


Building and promoting an English website involves several steps: 1. Choose a domain: A domain is the web address where your website will be located. It should be easy to remember and relevant to your brand or business. 2. Choose a hosting provider: Hosting providers offer services for storing and serving a website on the internet. Choose a reliable hosting provider that fits your budget and requirements. 3. Create a website: Choose a web development platform like WordPress or Wix, and design a user-friendly website that is mobile responsive and easy to navigate. 4. Optimize for search engines: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website for search engines such as Google to rank higher in search results. Use relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions to make your website visible to search engines. 5. Content marketing: Regularly publish useful and informative content on your website to attract and retain visitors. Use social media to promote your content and attract more visitors to your website. 6. Paid advertising: Use paid advertising channels such as Google AdWords and social media ads to promote your website and increase traffic. 7. Analytics: Install tracking tools like Google Analytics to monitor website performance, visitor behavior, and other metrics. Use this data to optimize your website and marketing strategies. Building and promoting an English website requires time, effort, and resources. With the right strategies, you can create a successful website that reaches a global audience and drives business growth.

Public @ 2023-06-09 10:00:14


昨天谈到统计数字在SEO中的局限,其实这牵扯到另外一个问题,也就是SEO实验的可行性和可信度。无数的人都在试图通过实验来解读搜索引擎算法。这有个专门的词,逆向工程,reverse engineering,也就是在可控条件下,改变网页某些参数,然后观察搜索排名变化,试图分析出搜索引擎排名算法。这些逆向工程和SEO实验,很多高手和大公司都在不停的做着,有的也很有成果。可是说到底,这种实验数据是不能百分

Public @ 2015-06-05 15:27:44


SEO经理工作流程大致如下: 1. 定义SEO战略:首先需要明确公司的目标和目标用户,然后制定相应的SEO战略。 2. 关键词研究与筛选:通过各种工具进行关键词研究和分析,找出适合的关键词,对关键词进行筛选和优化。 3. 网站优化:进行网站结构、內容、元素、链接、代码等技术方面的优化。 4. 内容创作与更新:发布原创、有价值的内容,产生流量和用户互动,提高网站曝光度和用户粘性。 5. 外

Public @ 2023-06-20 14:50:24


词干技术(keyword stemming)在英文网站优化中比较明显,但对中文网站优化也有一定的借鉴意义。词干技术指的是英文中某些词是由一个主要的词干衍生出来的,比如说work是一个词干,由这个词可以产生很多意义相同或相关但不同的时态,语态,单复数等形式,如working,worked,worker, works, workers。在网页内容的写作中,应该尽量把同一词干衍生出的不同形式自然的融合在

Public @ 2010-06-02 15:25:11
