


OpenCard is now officially open for application to developers of intelligent small programs. What is OpenCard? OpenCard is a platform developed by Alipay that allows intelligent small programs to quickly access Alipay's payment, membership, and marketing capabilities. With OpenCard, developers can easily develop intelligent small programs that integrate seamlessly with Alipay. What are the benefits of using OpenCard? 1. Quick access to payment functions: OpenCard allows small programs to quickly and easily access Alipay's payment functions, enabling users to pay for goods and services directly within the small program. 2. Membership system integration: OpenCard provides small programs with access to Alipay's membership system, allowing users to join and manage their membership accounts directly in the small program. 3. Marketing integration: OpenCard allows small programs to integrate with Alipay's marketing capabilities, allowing developers to take advantage of Alipay's extensive reach and marketing resources. How to apply for OpenCard? Developers can apply for OpenCard by visiting the Alipay OpenCard website and following the application instructions. After the application is reviewed and approved, developers can immediately start integrating OpenCard into their small programs.

Public @ 2023-04-19 19:00:17



Public @ 2023-04-26 13:00:08


上线前发布上线前,请确认完成真实性认证,否则小程序将无法发布上线。上线中开发者发布小程序时,支持两种发布方式:全量发布和灰度发布。全量发布小程序审核通过后,开发者点击“全量发布”即可面向全量用户进行发布。灰度发布为帮助开发者快速验证产品,减少新版本缺陷对线上服务造成的影响,保证新版上线后的稳定性,小程序提供灰度发布能力,审核通过后可小流量发布。发布流程:1、开发者进入灰度发布入口:“小程序平台 -

Public @ 2016-04-19 16:03:17


尊敬的用户: 近期,有用户反映站点索引量出现波动,我们深感不安。我们的技术团队已经深入调查,我们相信索引量波动的原因是我们最近在对算法进行调整和改进,以提高搜索结果的质量,这也导致一些站点的索引量出现波动。 我们知道这对于站长朋友们来说可能会带来一定的负面影响和困扰,我们深表歉意。我们会尽快解决问题,并确保站点的索引量能够尽快恢复正常。我们会一如既往地坚持做好搜索算法的调整和改进,并致力于提高

Public @ 2023-06-26 17:00:17


作者:百度站长平台    发布时间:2013年5月28日各位网站管理员,很高兴的通知大家,外链分析&拒绝外链工具在今天双剑合璧,华丽升级。升级后的外链分析工具可支持批量拒绝外链及撤销拒绝等管理,这是继开放全网外链查询、上线拒绝外链工具之后的又一次大的功能升级,方便站长将站长更好的分析及管理外链数据,帮助网站更好的运营。本次工具亮点:1、将拒绝外链功能整合到外链分析工具中

Public @ 2020-07-26 16:08:02
